Linux 101: useradd or adduser
So why do we use the command called useradd we use this command to create a user when we run this command it performs three actions.
- It edits /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, /etc/group and /etc/gshadow files for the newly created User account.
- Creates and populates a home directory for the new user.
- Sets permissions and ownerships to the home directory.
- How to add a new user in Linux?
useradd sandy
the above command will create a user to set the password for the user
2. passwd sandy
once the user is created it will create a new entry in passwd file
this entry is like this
sandy = username
x = password in an encrypted format in the file /etc/passwd
1001 = userid
1001 = group id
:: = this space is empty it should be fulfilled by user info
/home/sandy = is user home directory
/bin/bash = is user location for bash
4. How to add a user to multiple groups
useradd -G group1,group2,group3 sandy
5. Add a user with a specific home directory, custom shell, and custom comment
useradd -m -d /var/www/sandy -s /bin/zsh -c “this is comment” -U sandy
6. To get all the id associated with the user
[ec2-user@ip-172–31–84–180 ~]$ id sandytestuid=1002(sandytest) gid=1002(sandytest) groups=1002(sandytest),1000(ec2-user)
gid 1002 and group name sandytest is the primary group whereas the groups are the secondary group
usermod is used to change something associated with the existing user.
below command change the secondary group associated with ec2-user it will add the group sandy to it
usermod -G sandy ec2-user
so now you guys must be thinking what the hell is the primary and secondary group
So let's begin with primary group. when you create a new user and the group associated with it which has the same name as a user is the primary group and if we want to associate a user with multiple groups we will use secondary groups.